Come to Teen Tabletop Game Day on Saturday, 11/15!


On Saturday, November 15th the Bedford Public Library will host a teen tabletop gaming event from 11am-2pm. Teens are encouraged to stop by with some friends and play one of the Bedford Public Library’s new tabletop games. This is not your typical “Candyland”; with these games you will fight to cure a deadly outbreak, claim railway routes cross-country, or destroy the city of Tokyo, Godzilla-style! We will offer seven board games for use: Pandemic, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, Tsuro, King of Tokyo, Munchkin, and Zombie Dice. This is a great opportunity to meet up with some friends and challenge them to a game! Stop in any time between 11am-2pm; these games range in play time from 20 minutes to 90 minutes, so don't worry if you cannot stay long. After the event, the Bedford Public Library will organize a monthly teen gaming night where these games will be available to play. Snacks will also be provided! You can sign up online here.

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