Your donation of materials is a way of enhancing library services. Donate your gently used materials (books, music CDs, books on CD, and DVDs) that are in good condition to Bedford Public Library!
Any materials that do not become part of the Library's collection benefit the Library by becoming part of the Library's book sale.
We appreciate your donations but request that you limit your donations to one box at a time.
We accept donations according to the following criteria:
- Donations are subject to the approval of the library director.
- The library reserves the right to sell any donated materials.
- The following items are not accepted:
- Textbooks
- Condensed books
- Books in poor physical condition, e.g., mildewed, marked pages, etc.
- Out-of-date nonfiction
- VHS tapes
- Books on tape
We have a magazine swap in the front vestibule. We encourage people to drop off fairly new, clean issues of magazines to swap.
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Library!