Discover your family history

If you're curious to learn more about your family history, several excellent library resources can help you get started.  The Ancestry Library Edition and HeritageQuest Online databases contain census and military records, passenger lists, birth, marriage, and death records, plus much more.  Both may be accessed via the Library's Databases A-Z page.

Ancestry Library Edition is available for in library use.  It differs slightly from  While you may search census, vital, military, and immigration records, and public family trees, you must sign up for an account to access collaborative features.

HeritageQuest Online also contains census information, as well as Revolutionary War era records, the Freedman's Bank, PERSI, and the U.S. Serial Set.  You may access Heritage Quest from home by logging in with your library card number and password.

Additionally, you may borrow many great books about genealogy from the Library.  Also, our Genealogy Resources guide will refer you to useful genealogy websites as well.

Please ask a reference librarian if you would like assistance navigating these resources.

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