The New and Improved Teen Space

Just in time for summer, our new Teen Space furniture has arrived! Next to the YA books on the main level, you'll now find our new furniture setup. There are comfy chairs to curl up and read in, as well as chairs with built-in tablet tables to prop up your devices as you study. We also have an awesome new charging station, so if your battery is running low you can plug in and charge it up! Every piece of furniture is on wheels, so feel free to push things around and make the space your own.

We thank the Bedford Library Foundation for generously funding the space.

Come in and check it out!

While you're in, don't forget to sign up for the Teen Summer Reading program! For every 2 hours you read, you can be entered into the weekly raffle drawing. Each week the winners will choose from a selection of gift cards such as Inside Scoop, Chipotle, and Barnes and Noble. There will also be take and make crafts available to pick up in the Teen Space; this week we are making macrame crystal decorations.

We will also be offering a couple of cool crafty workshops this summer, so stay tuned for details.

Happy reading!

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