For the Armchair Traveller


We may all be getting a little cabin fever from being stuck at home right now, so why not try  some armchair travel?  In this blog entry, we’ll share some ideas and resources to help you travel to far off places, without leaving the comfort of your favorite reading nook.


Read a Travel Memoir or Guide as an eBook

Travel memoirs can be a great way to experience exotic corners of the world through someone else’s eyes.  Click this link to view a list of eBooks and eAudiobooks available to checkout from Overdrive/Libby and CloudLibrary with your Bedford Library card.


Great Courses

In addition to courses that take you to far-off lands in the Travel and History sections, be sure to check out the National Geographic photography courses under Hobby & Leisure!  You can sign up for a Great Courses account and checkout a 7-day pass by visiting our eLearning page.


Enjoy a Foreign Film on IndieFlix

From short films to feature length movies, IndieFlix offers a world of foreign films for Bedford Public Library cardholders.  Check out an unlimited 7-day pass to host your very own international film festival from the comfort of your living room.



In Hoopla’s collection, use the “Browse” tab to choose your media (TV, Movies, Ebooks, etc) and select the “Travel” category to see what’s on offer.  In addition to lots of travel TV and travel memoir eBooks and audiobooks, Hoopla has a collection of nearly 100 Fodor’s travel guides that can help you plan your next trip or imagine one from the safety of home.  To learn about Hoopla, visit our page here.


Learn a Language

While imagining voyages to exotic locales, why not immerse yourself in the language as well?  Transparent Language offers Bedford Public Library patrons the chance to learn one of more than 100 languages.  Learn at your own pace and embrace your learning style with videos, images, sound, speaking and writing.  There’s even an app, so you can learn on the go!


Atlas Obscura

For some quirkier and more adventurous armchair travel options, visit Atlas Obscura ( ) “a comprehensive database of the world’s most wondrous places and foods”  that explores off-the-beaten-path, but nonetheless intriguing sites, monuments and natural phenomena throughout the world.

Bon voyage!


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