Whatever your reading preference, there is an award winning book for you. Many literary organizations give awards to the best books of the year. These awards include:
Literature and Nonfiction
The Booker Prizes: thebookerprizes.com
International Dublin Literary Award: dublinliteraryaward.ie
The National Book Award: www.nationalbook.org
National Book Critics Circle Award: www.bookcritics.org/awards/
The Pulitzer Prize: www.pulitzer.org
The Agatha Awards: www.malicedomestic.org/agatha-awards.html
The Edgar Awards: edgarawards.com/all-winners
The Romance Writers of America Rewards: www.rwa.org
Science Fiction
The Hugo Awards: www.thehugoawards.org
Nebula Awards nebulas.sfwa.org
World Fantasy Awards www.worldfantasy.org
Young Adult
The Alex Award: www.ala.org/yalsa/alex-awards
The Flume: NH Teen Readers Choice: nhla.azurewebsites.net
The Printz Award: www.ala.org/yalsa/printz-award#previous