Digital Resources for Teens


The Bedford Public Library is here to virutally support the academic and recreational needs of Bedford teens during this period of social distancing. The library's selection of databases provide valuable content for the papers and projects students are assigned during this time of remote learning.  Are you looking to access full-text articles for your research papers? Check out Academic Search Premier; a renowned scholarly resource that contains full text for more than 4,770 academic journals.

Another useful resource, American History Online, provides access to images and videos, biographies, primary sources, maps, timelines, and more information covering hundreds of years of American history.

To access these databases online, visit, click on the link to the desired database and login with your Bedford Library card number and password. Don't remember your password? Email and we can work with you to reset it.

While you have more indoors down time, check out the vast selection of material available through hoopladigital. This platform offers ebooks and e-audiobooks, the latest music, movies, and tv shows. Hoopla also has an extensive catalog of comics! Titles include all of your favorites from the DC and Marvel universes, plus Star Wars graphic novels, Lumberjanes, and so much more! Click here to get started with hoopla.

We are currently offering access to TeenBookCloud by Tumblebooks through August 31, 2020. Tumblebooks can be read on any device and there are no check-outs, holds, or bulky downloads. Books are available instantly. This platform offers a selection of AP English titles such as Little Women, The Great Gatsby, and Moby Dick.

Finally, if you are looking for some bookish corners of the internet to nerd out about upcoming YA releases, here are a few website suggestions:

Book Riot's YA page:

and Epic Reads:

Stay healthy and we hope to see everyone back in the library soon!

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