Pay Your Fines Online with a Credit Card!


Did you know that you can now pay library fines and replacement costs online with a credit card? We do not take credit cards at the circulation desk, but you can log on to your library account from the comfort of your own home or at one of our public computers to pay your charges. Payment is taken care of by a third party service provider, which has been accredited by the Payment Card Industry to securely perform credit card transactions between the member’s financial institution and SmartPay, the GMILCS, Inc. merchant account provider (Bedford Public Library is a member of the GMILCS consortium).


To pay your fines online, head to and click on “My Account” in the top right corner.


   Log in to your library account with your library barcode or username (your barcode--the numbers on the back of your library card with no spaces or dashes--will always work, even if you have a username also) and your password. If you need to reset your password, please give us a call at 472-2300. If you receive email notifications from us, you can also click “Forgot your password?” and it will be emailed to the email address we have on file.


   Once you’ve logged in, click My Account at the top and then Fines and Fees. Click the check box next to each charge you would like to pay, then click “Pay Fines Now!” below the list of charges.


    Please read the refund policy and then click “accept.” Enter your credit card information and then double check to be sure all information is entered correctly, in the format specified by SmartPay.  For example, the expiration date should be entered as MMYY.


    The fine print: there is a nonrefundable $2.00 convenience fee associated with each transaction. Also, we are not able to offer refunds for replacement costs and processing fees for items that were lost and then found. If you think you might find a lost item and just need more time to look for it, please give us a call at 472-2300. Also, if you are paying the replacement cost and processing fee for a lost or damaged item, please do not pay the overdue fees for that item! We charge either the overdue fees or the replacement cost and processing fees. Please call us at 472-2300 or email us at to remove the overdue fines from your account once the processing fee and replacement cost have been paid. If you have any questions about any of the charges on your account, please give us a call before paying!



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