A World of Travel at the Bedford Public Library

The weather's warming up and we're all starting to dream of summer vacations! If you're making plans for a trip of your own, (or even just interested in engaging in a little bit of armchair travel!) the Bedford Public Library has travel guides for a wide variety of locations both close to home and farther abroad.  Click on the links below to browse some of the most recent guides in our online catalog.

Not finding your destination? Email reference@bedfordnh.org or call (603) 472-2300 and we can help you search or request books from another library.


American Adventures | New England and the Northeast | Atlantic and Gulf Regions | Rockies and the Southwest | The Midwest | Pacific Coast | Hawaii and Alaska | Disney and Universal | Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean | South America | Europe | Asia, Africa, and Australia

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Posted on Friday, March 07
Posted on Monday, March 03
Reference, Teens
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Posted on Thursday, February 20
Reference, Teens
Posted on Friday, February 07