It's Not Over Till It's Over

Well, the Reporting and Craft Labs are closed for the season, but the Sumjmer Reading Program doesn't officially wrap up until August 31st. You can keep on reading and garnering points for your team right up until then. When you decide you are finished, bring your reading chart to the Children's Desk for one final prize and one final gift coupon. Any books you have added will be credited to your team. Only those who turn in a reading log by the deadline will receive  Summer Reading Certificates. Kids attending Bedford's public elementary schools will receive their certificates at school in the fall. Certificates for private and preschoolers will be given at the library. Your reading logs will be returned to you, in any case.

FYI...Fall Story Times will commence the first week in October. Registration for infants and toddlers begins September 22. Older children need not register to attend drop-in sessions. The schedule will  be published soon.

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