Sponsor Thanks


The tally is complete, and the winner is…the “Spiderman” team, logging in with 7409 books! The “Batman” team came in a close second, reading 7047 books. “Dewey the Superdog”, representing our youngest readers, made a good showing with 5178 books, for a grand total of 19,634 books read & logged by Bedford kids…congratulations!

Another successful Summer Reading Program...and we couldn't have done it without the heroic support of our sponsors!
We want to send out a huge thank-you to the following merchants  for their generous contributions of gift coupons, prizes and program support:

Charter Trust, Chik Fil-A, Ipswich Clambake, Liquid Planet, Lui Lui, Mel's Funway Park, Merrimack Karate, Palace Theatre, Panera Bread Company, Purple Finch, Santa's Village, Shorty's Mexican Roadhouse, Portland Sea Dogs, Spare Time Bowling Lanes, T-Bones, TD Bank, Weathervane.
We would urge you to show your appreciation by giving them lots of your business!

Special thanks go to our own local heroes, who gave generously of their time to come and visit us at the library this summer:

Bedford Fire Department, Bedford Police Department, Bedford Public Works Department, Manchester Mounted Police and Susan Bradford with her service dog, Lilly.

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