Book Buzz



What’s the Buzz? A Book Club for kids 9-12 years old! You are invited to join us for lively book discussion, activities and snacks.
When? Usually the third Monday of every month. However, the next meeting will be December 14 from 5:00-6:00pm, due to approaching holidays.
Where? Library’s Richmond Room (downstairs). The book for December's discussion is Loot by Jude Watson. It's not too late to sign up...just ask us for a copy of the book.
You can come to any or all of the's up to you. Come, even if you haven’t read the book…you’ll get to vote on the next month’s selection.( January's pick: Ungifted by Gordon Korman.) Note... The first meeting of the new year will be held on January 11, due the the Civil Rights holiday on the 18th.
It would help us a lot if you would sign up on-line, so we'll know how many we're expecting...thanks!

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