Junior Librarians

If you will be entering 5th grade or above next fall, you might like to consider becoming a Junior Librarian...or perhaps you've been waiting for your chance to do this for years! Every summer, the library trains a group of young Bedford students to become involved in the workings of the Summer Reading Program.
Question: What do Junior Librarians do? Answer: Mainly two things...
#1. Check children's reading club charts and give them incentive prizes. #2. Assist kids in making the craft project of the week.
Question: How much of a time commitment is involved? Answer: Each Junior Librarian is given 2 or 3 time slots over the course of the summer, each one lasting 2 hours...not enough to interfere with your other plans.
Question: How do I sign up? Answer: Come to the Children's Library anytime to register from now until the end of July.

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