Best Birdhouses!


Who built a better Birdhouse? We had 17 very fine entries in our family contest this year, and it was a tough call to decide which ones would come out on top of the tree in the judging. Each and every house entered showed wonderful craftsmanship and imagination! It was a joy for everyone to be able to view them on display in the Children’s Library.

First place went to the Dinndorf Family, who crafted a very charming birdhouse, incorporating bits of Bedford news from the local paper, and many other sweet details.

The Carter Family’s “library” birdhouse came in a close second, featuring lots of book titles, with an actual window to look inside, and topped with a real book for the roof. In third place was an adorable birdhouse village, full of skillful detail, submitted by the Roberts Family.

Incidentally, every kid involved in the building of a birdhouse received a certificate for a free kid meal, donated by our fine feathered friends at Purple Finch! How fitting is that?

Thank you all for your efforts and participation, and congratulations!

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