Book Buzz is Back!

Readers, unite! The first meeting of the Middle Grade Book Club (Grades 4-6) will be a Meet & Greet on Monday, October 2, from 5:00-6:00pm. Along with chat and refreshments, you will have an opportunity to pick up your copy of the first amazing title up for discussion... Wonder, by R. J. Palacio. Imagine being a fifth grader born with some serious and unusual facial abnormalities...suddenly you're thrust into private school in Manhattan, after having been safely homeschooled your whole life! But plucky Augie is no ordinary kid! This award-winning book is not to be missed!

Book Buzz meets on the first Monday of every month from 5:00-6:00pm from October through May. There is always a fun related activity, along with book discussion... and munchies, of course! A dated list of upcoming titles slated for discussion is available. You need not attend every month, and can start at any time. But please do sign up on-line at our Website, so we'll know how many to expect...see you soon!

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