Mother Goose Time

Mother Goose is on the loose, and there is still time to register! We are offering three sessions per week this winter, so hopefully there will be room for all those interested in attending. Simple books, rhymes and songs are often accompanied by bells,  shakers, drums  and such, which are distributed around the circle, much to little ones' delight. Parents and caregivers enjoy participating with the children...also an opportunity to meet other young families in the community! In order to be elligible, babies must be between birth and 24 months of age at the start of the program, which runs from January 16th - March 2nd. On-line registration is required. Please be sure to sign up for the day of the week you intend to come: Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday at 10:00am. The program lasts for 7 weeks...we ask that you commit to attending as many of the classes as possible. Please note that if the public schools are closed or delayed for inclement weather, there will be no storytime.

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