Summer Space Mission Blastoff - Saturday, June 22nd at 11am

Join us at the Gazebo behind the library for a hilarious summer reading kick off event! Children of all ages and their grownups can join us as we kick off our Summer Space Mission BLASTOFF with two of the most hilarious guys around! Toe Jam Puppet Band will provide an hour of interactive and fun songs as well as dancing and wiggling! 

This event is for Bedford cardholders only and does not require registration. This show is fun for all ages, mainly targeted to 3-8 year olds - in case of rain, we'll hold the show inside the library. 


 Before or after the show, sign up for summer reading with Miss Carla and Miss Grace! If you can't make the show sign up anytime online at our website:


More questions? Give us a call at 472-2300!

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