Try our new Book Bundle Request Form!

There's no doubt about it, helping patrons pick out books is one of our favorite parts of the job. Couple that with the notion that library services are changing with the times and our new Book Bundle Request Form was born. You fill out the form with information to let us know what you're looking for and we'll pull 5 books for you within 2 business days and place them on hold to be picked up via our Lower Level contact-free pickup.

You can be as specific or generic as you like - there are some basic questions to indicate reading level and interest, and then there's space for you to get into the details if you like. We can pull books for whatever happens to be going on in your life. Is your kiddo stuck reading the same book over and over? Tell us what it is and we'll pull some readalikes for when they're ready to move on. Need biographies on Alexander Hamilton? We can grab those! Want a mix of picture books just to shake things up? We have great new titles being added to the collection all the time that we'd love to share!

We are so excited about this new service and can't wait for you to take advantage! We would also love to hear your feedback - feel free to email to let us know what you think!

Try the form here:


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