Help Us Grow the Bedford Seed Library!


Calling all gardeners! The Bedford Public Library is starting a Seed Library and we need your help!  Seed Libraries allow people to “check out” seeds to bring home and grow.  Then seeds from the plant are later “returned” for gardeners to use in following years. Seed libraries allow people to try out plants they might otherwise not grow - or even try out gardening for the first time!  They also help to promote open-pollinated seeds and improve biodiversity, while creating a stock of plants that are proven to grow well in our specific local conditions.

If you have extra or left-over vegetable, herb or flower seeds that you’d like to share with fellow gardeners, please consider donating them to help us get this program growing.  Seed packets that are no more than 2 years old containing legal, non-invasive species may be dropped off at the Reference Desk during any library hours. 

Have questions?  Please email



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