April Vacation Fun!

April Vacation Week is almost here! What will we have going on in the Children's Room? Check it out!

Monday, April 22nd

10am - 11am - Paws and Books Meet and Greet

Come meet Lucy and Lilly our Paws and Books Pups.

Lilly and Lucy will be here for a meet and greet on April 22 from 10-11am. Drop in and say hi, see their tricks and adorable personalities.

Lucy and Lilly are available for children to read to on a scheduled date and time. Come meet our pups, their handlers and learn about this exciting program for your emerging reader.


3pm & 4pm - Kids Yoga for Ages 4-7

Try some yoga simply by signing up for the 3pm yoga class or the 4pm yoga class for kids aged 4-7! Learn poses, play games, and some relaxation at kids yoga during April Vacation break!

Tuesday, April 23rd

 10am - Yoga for Tots

 Grownups and their little walkers and crawlers are welcome to join us for 45 minutes of yoga through dancing, singing and chanting! Little ones will strengthen and develop muscles, enjoy a social experience with other little ones, and bond with their caregiver during this fun, relaxed class. Bring a yoga mat if you like and be sure to wear your comfiest clothing as parents and children will both be participating in this class. This class is for children who are walking or crawling up to age 3.

12pm - Kids Movie

Two kids transform their principal into a superhero named Captain Underpants, and their trio soon battle a deranged teacher at their school. Bring snacks or your lunch, a blanket to spread out on the floor and enjoy a fun, family movie! Grownups should remain with children during this movie. Rated PG.

Wednesday, April 24th

10am - noon - Drop in and Make Your Own Shadow Puppets!

Drop in between 10am and noon to make your very own shadow puppet and then join us for Mr. Vinny’s Shadow Puppet Show in the evening to see how they can work in action!

6pm - Mr. Vinny's Shadow Puppet Show!

Get ready for Mr. Vinny of the Toe Jam Puppet Band Group's very own Shadow Puppet Show! At this awesome puppet show for children aged 3-9, we'll play "What's That Shadow?" and tell stories like "The 12 Lil Pigs and the Big Bad Pineapple"! It's sure to be a silly and interactive time that is great for the whole family, so sign up today online!

Thursday, April 25th 

10am - noon - Rainbow Magic Fairy Party (Raindate Friday morning of the 26th)

Come one, come all to our Rainbow Magic Fairy Party! Fairies of all ages (and their grownups!) are invited to dress up and join us for games, refreshments, crafts, a scavenger hunt and special fairy ceremony and more on the lawn at the library from 10am to noon. Enjoy the party, then come inside the library to pick out all of your favorite Rainbow Magic books, too!

Friday, April 26th 

Raindate for Rainbow Magic Fairy Party

If it rains on Friday and Thursday, the Rainbow Magic Fairy Party will happen inside on Friday, April 26th. 

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