Thanks to Our Sponsors

It’s been an awesome summer at the Bedford Library, with almost 1000 youngsters participating in the Summer Reading Program. We couldn’t have done it without the following area businesses, who have contributed greatly to our success, donating weekly reading incentive prizes and door prizes, as well as sponsoring special events…

 Charter Trust                                                                  Purple Finch

Chick-Fil-A (Nashua)                                                      Shorty’s

Funspot Laconia                                                            Spare Time Bowling (Manchester)

Hannaford                                                                       Subway

Lui Lui (Nashua)                                                             T-Bones

Mel’s Funway Park                                                        TCBY

Outback Steak House                                                   Vertical Dreams Climbing Gym (Manchester)

Panera Bread Company                                               Weathervane Seafood

 We wish to give our sponsors our heartfelt thanks, and we would encourage you to be liberal with your business in return. While you’re there, mention the library program and what their generosity meant to you and your children.

“On Your Mark, Get Set…Read!” is just the beginning. Reading is a year-round sport…enjoy!



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