Library Elf

Naughty or nice? The holidays are coming, and we'll soon have a new addition in the Children's Room!
Brary the Elf has been adopted by the Bedford Public Library as its own official "Elf on the Shelf".
She'll be watching for kids who treat our library books with care, share iPad time and show nice
library manners, so she'll have a good report for Santa. She's full of mischief, never know
where she'll show up next, so keep your eyes open when you visit the Children's Library! Hint: You
may find some clues on the Kids' Blog at this website. Brary will arrive on the first day of December.

There will also be an opportunity to make a holiday ornament for our tree when you stop by...and one to
take home, if you wish. You can also add to our chain of favorite book titles...let's make it the longest ever!

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