Readers, unite!

Donovan Curtis, widely acknowledged to be the biggest troublemaker in his school, has just pulled the wildest stunt ever, and it's really run amok. This time things have gotten out of hand, and have caused colossal damage to the school doors and the new gym. He knows he's going to be in an amazing amount of trouble, but the dreaded axe never falls. Instead, his parents receive a letter informing them that Donovan has been selected for entrance into the Academy of Scholastic Distinction, much to the surprise of one and all. But academics have never been his strong will he survive in such a place?

This is the tantalizing premise of GIFTED, by Gordon Korman...the first book on the agenda for the Midgrade Book Club that meets on the 3rd Monday of every month at 4:00pm. Why not join us and enjoy lively discussion, fun activities and, of course, snacks! Sign up on-line and give it a try next Monday, October 2oth!

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