Creature Double Feature

Lions & tigers & bears, oh noooooooooooo! Those aren't the animals that are coming to visit next week! But Rick Roth, from Creature Teachers, assures me that he will be bringing us some very unique critters, with their own stories to tell! Since kids are crazy for critters, we are offering two shows, back to back, so we can fit everybody in! We still need you to sign up on-line, since there are space limitations for use of the room. Please note that there are two shows in the event at 11:00am and one at 1:00pm.

Are you working on your robots for the Build-a-Bot Contest yet? Better get started soon! Remember, it can be large or small, made of just about anything...maybe even YOU in costume! The whole family gets to help!

The Fizz, Boom, Fun Faire is right around the corner! There will be skill games to play for prizes, professional face painting with Monica Leo, Karate challenges with Merrimack Karate Studio, and, of course, our Cosmic Cake Walk. We need your help with the latter... you may receive a call a few days before the fair, asking you to bring a cake or a batch of goodies for the prize table. Note, these are prizes, not refreshments to share...we are looking for attractively packaged whole cakes and batches of cookies or brownies to give as prizes in the cake walk. Children are allowed to try as many times as they wish to win a cake (only one to a customer)!

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