A New Year A New Head of Children's A New Blog!

Happy New Year! Welcome Emily Sennott as the new Head of Children’s Services at the Bedford Public Library. Emily has worked in children’s services for 8 years, serving as the Head of Youth Services at the Merrimack Public Library for the past 2 ½ years. One of her greatest joys is “working with young children to provide them with fun learning opportunities and connecting them with books that resonate in their lives.” Emily, along with Miss Carla and all the children’s library staff, will be working together to continue providing the children of Bedford with fun and exciting story times and programs. Stop in and welcome Miss Emily to the Bedford community!

This year, you will notice the blog take a different direction in content and the format of the homepage change. Our story time dates and times are now located in the side box of the home page (formerly known as “Special Events”). Our listing of story times include drop in times as well as registration times. Please ask us if you have a question about which program best suits your child and your schedule.

If you are looking for upcoming events that are not story time specific, check out our “Upcoming Events” tab. You’ll also see the banner scrolling at the top of the Kid’s Homepage.

As always, we have a monthly paper copy of our calendar of our Children’s programs and you can also follow us on social media.

We hope to make this a handy and resourceful place for you to find early literacy tips and library information as well as fun and useful resources for your child’s development.

Are you setting some New Year’s Resolutions? Want to raise a reader? Try some healthy reading habits with your children:
·         Read every day.
·         Do things, then talk about it.
·         Read everywhere you go.
·         Be a reading role model.

For more information, check out Reading Rockets. It is a national public website offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read and how caregivers can help.

We can’t wait to start the New Year with you! Happy Reading!

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