November is Diabetes Awareness Month

Did you know that November is Diabetes Awareness Month?  According to the CDC, there are 26.9 million people in the United State who have been diagnosed with diabetes and another 88 million people over the age of 18 with pre-diabetes.  You can learn more about risk factors, prevention and management strategies, research and more by clicking this link to visit the website of the American Diabetes Association.  They also have a great lineup of special events for November and information on Diabetes Awareness Month on their We Stand Greater Than Page.

You can find more reliable information by exploring our Health Databases Page.  There you'll find Consumer Health Complete, which provides access to health-related videos, diagrams, encyclopedia articles, evidence-based reports, alternative medicine and drug information as well as popular consumer health magazines.  Or check out Medline Plus from the National Library of medicine for reliable information on a wide variety of medical topics.  You can access their Diabetes page here.

The Bedford Public Library also offers a variety of print and video resources on this important topic.  Scroll through the carousels below and click on the cover images to learn more about these titles or place a request.


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