Book Buzz

Fall is here, and readers are beginning to ask about our tween book club, for ages 9-12. Good news: The first meeting will be held on Monday, November 21, from 5:00 - 6:00pm. (NOTE CHANGE OF DATE) There will be a meet and greet, where members old and new can get acquainted. Everyone is encouraged to bring along a favorite book for show & tell. THE WILLOUGHBYS, by Lois Lowry, is up for discussion in November...this one is sure to tickle your funny bone! You need not have read the book to attend. Copies of BUDDY, by M.H. Herlong will be distributed in preparation for the next meeting, to be held on December 19th. Newcomers are always welcome. Please join us for lively chatter, activities and snacks! Please sign up on-line, so we'll know how many to expect.

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