
Maddy's Back!

Maddy’s back in town! Our favorite reading retriever will be with us again this fall, every third Thursday of the month. If you enjoy reading, but still feel you need practice to gain confidence reading in class, Paws to Read is the perfect program for you! Gentle Maddy sits by patiently while you read to her…she never passes judgment or makes corrections…she just loves the attention, and the sound of your voice.

All for fall

Well, the Summer Reading Program is finally at an end...but what a summer we had! There are so many people and organizations  that contributed to our success, we have more people to thank than the recipients of the Academy Awards! A full listing will be posted shortly on our closed circuit TV...please take note, and be as generous in supporting our local merchants as they have been in supporting us!


We have recently added Playaways to our collection and thus far they have  received much praise from parents and children alike. And now that summer is ending Playaways are great for siblings who may be sitting and waiting at a dance studio, sporting event, or a meeting their adult is attending. They are also wonderful for long car rides; each child can listen to his or her own story. From picture books to teens, we have a varied selection. An added bonus is that they come with a book of the same title for reading along. Look for them in our audio book section.

It's Not Over Till It's Over

Well, the Reporting and Craft Labs are closed for the season, but the Sumjmer Reading Program doesn't officially wrap up until August 31st. You can keep on reading and garnering points for your team right up until then. When you decide you are finished, bring your reading chart to the Children's Desk for one final prize and one final gift coupon. Any books you have added will be credited to your team. Only those who turn in a reading log by the deadline will receive  Summer Reading Certificates.

Fizz! Boom! Write!

The Summer Reading Program is fast drawing to a close...our Grand Finale is coming up on Friday! Are you working on your entry for the Writing and Illustrating Contest? The deadline is Wednesday, but truth to tell, we'll accept them up until early Friday morning. There are only a few entries thus far, so the odds of winning are in your favor!

Now, for the Grand Finale!

Boy, what a sizzling summer we've had! I hope you've been enjoying your reading, not to mention all the special events we've had this year...the performers, the Fun Faire, the Touch-a-Truck... If you missed seeing the L. L. Bean Bootmobile, you may get another chance within a year or two. Keith and A.J. really enjoyed spendng time with us and showing off their cool ride. And the Bedford firefighters, police and public works crew also loved being part of the show & tell...they were just awesome!

Creature Double Feature

Lions & tigers & bears, oh noooooooooooo! Those aren't the animals that are coming to visit next week! But Rick Roth, from Creature Teachers, assures me that he will be bringing us some very unique critters, with their own stories to tell! Since kids are crazy for critters, we are offering two shows, back to back, so we can fit everybody in! We still need you to sign up on-line, since there are space limitations for use of the room. Please note that there are two shows in the event at 11:00am and one at 1:00pm.

Books & Bubbles

Hey, kids! Guess what? The number of visits to the Reporting Lab this summer just topped the1000 mark! Was yours one of them? So far, over 7000 books have been logged in...but there's lots of time left to bring the number up to our annual average of 20,000. The Mad Scientists are still in the lead, but the Robots are narrowing the gap...keep up the good work! The Lab Rats are not that far behind...thanks to all the parents and siblings who've been reading to the little guys.

Battle of Bots & Brains

Hey, Robots! You've got some reading to do! For the second straight week, the Mad Scientists have leaped up the scale to an impressive lead! There's still plenty of time to catch up, though. Haven't joined the Summer Reading Program yet? What are you waiting for? Come on down to the library and sign up for fun and prizes. Team competition is just for pressure on anybody.